   1,9dn. Leader who is initially seen in the afternoon, briefly (5 8)
   4. see 16
  10. Permit ban (8)
  11. A drug-crazed 13 man perhaps (5)
  12. Francis is said to have home town back here (6)
  13,20ac. I try a revolt: I make chaos with installation of 4 for instance (8 8)
  15. Reds rate badly when brought to a halt (8)
  16,4. Zealous leader carried by perverting muscle he arranged (right wing always cut loose with force) (6 9)
  18. Someone suggesting improvements to dire mess? (6)
  20. see 13
  22. Sophisticated orca vote for climate protection (8)
  26,25. Hazari fawns all over 1 9 (5 6)
  28,27. What worked for Dire Straits: come out with new extremes of cagily morose anthems, unhappier epics (9 8)
  29. A variety of band leaders? (5)
   2. Dares ruse, planned with new confidence (9)
   3. New replacement for large Michael's work, not a person (7)
   5. Made man nude, stripped, turned devoid of identity (7)
   6. Marx gets credit for many of his ideas - he gets half left (5)
   7. He might sell molehill as mountain, or "authentic rocky outcrop" (7)
   8. Dread slippery animal (5)
   9. see 1 across
  14. Found at party, a zippy pill (3)
  16. Country sank, a pit of corruption (8)
  17. Yen relies on moving cosmetics (9)
  18. Somewhere goes pride... (3)
  19. He may cast depraved whore in teacher's exterior (7)
  20. Cite Tom playing as a symbol (7)
  21. Less clear ends... to go up via Iraq, you invite war (7)
  23. Money, when your head gives into vicious lead, comes back and it kills you (5)
  24. Famous Gorilla with love sucked out - ounce by ounce, that is (5)