   1. Some cheap ricotta which has a stone in the middle (7)
   5. Very little money in 3 11 work (7)
   9. As tin or can, designed to hold items essentially? (9)
  10. Clown with a hot drink (5)
  11. see 3 down
  12. see 16
  14. Spit, or sit out most of series (10)
  16,12. Measure damage to Latin universities in Canberra as newcomer outshining older players (4 8)
  18,17dn. Inventor of 27 house, five-player piano and cat's cradle... improvement on true gunk on TV! (4 8)
  19. What a waiter does with steak? (5 5)
  22. see 4 down
  23. Brown dog? (6)
  26. Targets for 12, primarily (or purely?)... 16 needs some (5)
  27. Work of real thugs? (9)
  28. Makes less insecure with treatment for fatness (7)
  29. Unstable past at Icelandic housing (7)
   1. 6 trouble about second person bringing charges (7)
   2. Station managed check (5)
   3,11ac. Attractiveness about the French moved such oddly lazy creator of 23 (7 1 6)
   4,22ac. Leading unfinished correspondence to Scottish actor Williamson and Australian actress (4 8)
   5. They appeal to some with limited motions in oddly vague strip (10)
   6. Collect perhaps eight by the sound of it? (6)
   7. Abandoned by man, I clued with abandon  (9)
   8. It helps you bear an arm, or type of blade (7)
  13. Model sat with Matisse, a worrying new development (10)
  15. Her trills are so dynamic they excite (9)
  17. see 18 across
  18. Start with top lawyer, one retained by King of France (7)
  20. Severe bruising a right turnaround for hugely successful businessman (3 4)
  21. Not as many drugs for tenant (6)
  24. Originally one could tally eight things (5)
  25. A traitor turned 4 22 role (4)