   1. ET injured for the making of sci-fi 24 (6 2 3 4)
   9. Virginia serves in clouds of steam! (7)
  10. Graduates stand around edge of instrument (7)
  11. Lean daughter in Irish 24 is his (4)
  12. At no time repeat this again in 24 title (5)
  13. One group involved in 24-making (4)
  16. Note I misread rule and produced flop! (7)
  17. Tales of Hoffman, maybe, in cross-dressing 24 (7)
  18. Unfashionable place in sci-fi 24 (7)
  21. Stillness may be ovine or angry in 24s (7)
  23. Simple addition in '60's 24 (4)
  24. Initially made one version in English, to be shown at Odeon perhaps (5)
  25. Fiendish assistant in 24s is held in rigor mortis (4)
  28. Artist is sick in confused 3 (7)
  29. Do its members produce paintings on wood? (3 4)
  30. 24 made possible by bet on beaver hunt? (4 3 3 5)
   1. Is sequel to first Bond 24 set on the Thames? (5 2 2 6)
   2. Quiet, constant one in sun-hat makes 24 (7)
   3. Tour around in flight (4)
   4. Part of 24 about ex-pupil may cause it to be banned! (7)
   5. Eastern representative in trial causes storm (7)
   6. 24 lawman cuts up pear (4)
   7. Animals are found by eagles circling road (7)
   8. Old 24 about one vehicle which is difficult to drive? (4 3 8)
  14. Supermarket symphony? (5)
  15. Hello, Ms Parton will produce a show-stopper! (5)
  19. Try-out takes place between the wickets at Lords?.... (4 3)
  20. ....Dead beat at Twickers, maybe? (4-3)
  21. Nips back to a church for 24 sailor's health food (7)
  22. Cook's man is attached to the French (7)
  26. Shilling gets newcomer in to see old 24 (4)
  27. End of 24 ticket kept for possible refund? (4)