   1. They may pull ropes to align compass (14)
   9. Fine net is tangled in gale! (7)
  10. Sleek model made of rare fir (7)
  11. Wine found right in river! (5)
  12. Simple argument from one in suit (9)
  13. Gave life to Devil, as it turned out (9)
  14. Clear litter right away, Sir! (5)
  15. Taunts just irritate best Eton scholars initially (5)
  17. Peacekeepers may be caught and strung up all the same! (9)
  20. It's neither here nor there if Elizabeth Small goes into pub! (2 7)
  22. Watchdog belonging to Venables? (5)
  23. Pushed the Spanish journalist around a 24 (7)
  24. Crazy about Queen in Chelsea? (7)
  25. Bob Springer is behind puzzle for nosy consumer (7 7)
   1. Wines and spirits, for some writers? (8 6)
   2. Sounds like nothing more than a feline animal (7)
   3. Silly artist and scholar come back with a bloomer! (9)
   4. Swimmer builds cot at work (7)
   5. Curt and independent (7)
   6. I m-managed top cricketer (5)
   7. Star may be first one to follow emperor (7)
   8. E-entertainer like Gazza? (8 6)
  14. Cascades of water to make cosy brew (3 3 3)
  16. Isn't he a bit young to be a bobby? Yes! (4 3)
  17. He might upset one who lives at the top of the town (7)
  18. Food taken from tin by chimps (7)
  19. Bring assistance back, for example, on the record (3 4)
  21. That is to say, pull the thing! (2 3)