   7. I blame TV - an ill that doesn't care (10)
   9. Round animal (4)
  10. Blunt letters brought about ring's release (6)
  11. Short texts left seal broken (8)
  12. Festival of rich - masts bobbing about (9)
  14,16. Australian musician has major armour protecting special esky (4 7)
  15. Lets down active mids, say (7)
  16. see 14
  19,13dn. KKK say we'll rue mixing ... does one fight one's father? (4 9)
  21. Platonic writer strange to realist (9)
  22. Platonic hero keeps captivating Americans (8)
  23. Starts to jive and prance about - now selling coats? (6)
  25. see 23dn.
  26. Commotion as Hugh, crazy with love, gets into stir (10)
   1. Mantra with English sign (4)
   2. Nagaski log ramparts protect one among the masses (8)
   3,4. English musician using dull instrument with Winehouse (4 7)
   5. It's easy lumping characters together - some seek it, indeed some are committed to it (6)
   6. Underhand manipulations of futures beg for reform (10)
   8. Ten trains crashed in passing (9)
  12. They are so small! Pack them in the bureau, then unpack six (one in three) (10)
  13. see 19ac.
  17. "Trap" = home perhaps? (8)
  18. Boy cuts odd figure but matches striker (7)
  20. Endear stranger to like desert (6)
  23,25ac. American musician in sanitary confinement (4 4)
  24. Serious hearing loss - you might feather it (4)