   7. Coins peculiar expression for the Guardian (5)
   8. Without proper leadership, most race discrimination leads to this (9)
  10. Early applause for popular breakfast food (3)
  11. Not affected by former parliamentarian in French conjunction (6)
  12. Bank reported tax (4)
  14,13 dn. 16 down said it's a sin (2,4,1,11)
  15. 10 returns 100 with a party food (7)
  16. Valour - it can regularly be found close to the heart (5)
  17. Has-been turned 5 down (3)
  18. Food used by fake babies (5)
  20. During commotion, encountered returning nuisance (7)
  22. Solo tip pass (4,3)
  24. Unfriendly at a hundred years of age (4)
  25. Friction following revolutionary angel (6)
  26. Half-meal racket (3)
  28. Rocking reggae set to cause division (9)
  29. Hernia with decapitation? An exaggeration perhaps! (5)
   1. Absurdly rich, Jake dictates his own destination (8)
   2. Regularly found among the pages of Dante - relive such chaos! (11)
   3,17. Head off and adjust a timepiece before fellow second from 22,27 (2,3,1,8)
   4. Idealists lost loony leader from erratic pulsation (8)
   5. Cut back 17 across (3)
   6. Came in dancing as a form of entertainment (6)
   7. One who seeks the talented young 23 ... (5)
   9. ... might search this town (7)
  13. see 14 ac
  16,23. Novel lawyer worked cat suit with bird (7,5)
  17. see 3 dn
  19. Banged head on street as a form of entertainment (8)
  21. Abuse in glam rock (6)
  22,27. Repeal her "one novel writing"! (6,3)
  23. see 16 dn
  27. see 22 dn