   1. Disgruntled but oddly calm regarding temporary accommodation (10)
   6. Blame not entirely working for innocent creature (4)
  10. 30, beloved by audience and most Italian infants (5)
  11. At work she may get thrown with incorrect rain label (9)
  12. Spreads oddly fun internet addresses (7)
  13. The end of spoken language (6)
  16. 911 for plants? (4)
  17. Gets smashed embracing one layer of special rocks (10)
  20. Run down Greene novel during date (10)
  21. Seniors agreed to be disheartened (4)
  23. Comic act usually includes some prickly stuff (6)
  25. A sickness is among South American animals (7)
  28. "Defiant" is _not_ a horribly cruel taunt! (9)
  29. Stuff taken from boss meticulously returned (5)
  30. Animal beloved by audience (4)
  31. After exploding turd, courage folded (10)
   1. Groups claim to curb spurious ends (4)
   2. Unhappy? Blame nothing but our hitherto leaders disappearing (9)
   3. Unpleasant original trio left with a happy tune (6)
   4. They make the tables turn at demolition of lout's bar (10)
   5. Greek Character - big big nothing (4)
   7. Having day out, improvise one's explanation of where one was (5)
   8. Be ace at conquering hospitals, receiving promotions, making starts to invasions (10)
   9. Darken joy? (7)
  14. Justified, prepared, I didn't cave (10)
  15. Take back "essential hero" tag - it's nice to see who started it (10)
  18. Irresponsible abuse on net - playful niggle to begin with (9)
  19. In the main, C.U.B. uses and screws the vulnerable (7)
  22. While ground is ground, 26 becomes one (6)
  24. Concern for effect (5)
  26. Tornado riding legend, or being replaced by Spain for very little (4)
  27. Sullivan, for instance, is not new (4)