Across: 8. Means to get coat fibre (6) 9. City's honourable king taken by award (4 4) 10. What a pillow may do, upon which it lies (8) 11. Spoil right to get stripped back on platform (3-3) 12. New voice on an issue in hospital (9) 13. Common complaint: being held back by gridlock (4) 15. Start of finish of ideal in flier (6) 16. Does HIV problem destroy one that was a pusher (6) 18. Quick... loud last plane's second to leave (4) 19. 4's writer put on mobility aid (3 6) 22. Carpentry equipment included in franchise lease (6) 24. Construction site pray dish cooked (8) 25. Type of place to grab and rub us the wrong way (8) 26. China's crazy lengths (6) Down: 1. Marijuana best to legendary couch surfer (6) 2. Leaders of caper agree: Ron Tandberg of Oz niftiest in said trade (10) 3. Uncontrolled anger: vice that causes suffering (9) 4. Hank confused - he's in battle in Vietnam (3 4) 5. Messenger used by craven voyeur (5) 6. Looks back, disheartened, and suggests downing a drink (4) 7. Common topless fun... breast was in front (8) 13. Weep about returning hot liquid in front of fellow rider (10) 14. Give a glimpse of weapon, which aims to display someone in a good light (9) 15. Give a glimpse of weapon, which aims to display someone in a good light (8) 17. Blessing D? (7) 20. Wayward monarch with angry speech (6) 21. Good bit of ear-ball (5) 23. Arms back and tucked in (4)