   1. Dressing carefully, averting tie  (11)
   9. Dropped at first signs of illness or sexual activity (8)
  10. Dropped flakes of 15's, curtailed by Edward (6)
  11. Harder to be co-regent? (6)
  12. Criminal causing angst, erasing content  (8)
  13. 7's professor of integration, etc? (8)
  15. Hero of can-can (6)
  16. Took back weed, smoked with King and Queen (6)
  18. Chart chaotic era in ancient city (8)
  20. Family ties secure girl a lofty station (8)
  22. Trial or settlement? (6)
  24. Taking notes, not a big thing for visitor to get past barrier (6)
  25. They may feature lounges, or a strip arrangement (8)
  26. Hall where 15 lives with a marine tool (11)
   2. Religious claim is ridiculous (7)
   3. New law: forget what you felt following sex (9)
   4,7. Radical Greer goes "I'm a writer!" (7 4)
   5. European city in less English region (5)
   6. Cop quiet withdrawl from partner in 15 settings (7)
   7. see 4
   8. Spill the beans about first lady and King, being cutting (8)
  14. Camera is broken where 15 had some adventures (8)
  15. It provides impetus as pub torpor is broken (9)
  17. Perhaps indications of 20's lair, e.g. a mess (7)
  18,19. 26's owner had cock pin - a tad strange! (7 7)
  21. Loathe to travel without a place to stay (5)
  23. Field in which star may be made? (4)