6. Sound loses nothing in this vehicle (4)
7. Perform first of parts without a dog collar perhaps (4)
8. Maybe first song she sung sounded callous? (5)
10. One among leaders of a roman catholic heirarchy, by someone having offered promotion (10)
11. see 22dn
12. Take a risk with hot song from 26 (4)
13. Calm one entered chaotic old city (8)
15ac,14dn. Musician's inner notes blared out (7 9)
16. Difficult to swallow varied trio in 14's alma mater (7)
19ac,7dn. Player which iron monk savaged at direction of 14 in 60s (3 4 12)
21ac,5dn. Extras standing around broken sets ahead of conservative show (4 4 5)
23. Second name for beastly male (4)
24. Whimpers on allowing cutting cold (10)
25. Dug up material (5)
26. Children get twelve pennies in exchange for one - a sign of love? (4)
27. Execute 26 (4)