Across: 1. On reflection, it's much the same to not hear "My Heart Cries..." played around minor (9) 6. Often what comes around with success also goes around (4) 10. Accomplish expert control over hive of activity (7) 11. Relative cheer in Spain for tasty breakfast (7) 12. Duke's kind of doll, dancing 9 down (5) 13. After which Clapton will let it all hang out at the 'G (8) 15,16. Wry joke: hard act to follow such a popular song (3 3 4 4) 18. Setter at sea has initially oblique decoration (4) 20. Early crash ruined a 1 down (3 7) 23. Maiden perhaps became adult, conquered in bed? (8) 24. see 22dn 27. Setter at sea has initially oblique decoration (7) 28,2dn. Song in which 20 didn't want such a fast beat? (7 2 5) 29. see 7dn 30. Curiously cunning, employing model mountains (9) Down: 1. Traitors turned for popular figure (4) 2. see 28ac 3. Number holding affirmation for what 20 lacked (8) 4. Young saxophonist, no saint, reversed melody (4) 5. Being aware as first of choirs performing sang on ice (10) 7,26,29ac. Song's state concerning me (7 2 2 4) 8. Raised some kids a kit, saw some ominous signs (9) 9. It's an animated one marching in perhaps (5) 14. Intricacy in playing of snare notes (10) 15. Storm Haig building for presentation of figures (9) 17. California has toilets for city in Phillipines (8) 19. Hat sets not distributed (7) 21. Some getting out right away, a la Greek tragedy (7) 22,24ac. To a gown I am running, so sang 20 (1 3 1 5) 25. Smooth sound from engine when backing up luxury car (4) 26. see 7