   1. One kicked out of fancier style place (6)
   4. 51 leaving Berlin move out late in the year (8)
  10,11. Canberra deem my wasted time worthy of dismissal from office (11 3)
  12. With authority assumed by loss I suffered (7)
  13. This fantastic master is right out there (7)
  15. Passing on from body, in grace? (5)
  16. Cosmic rays of hopes you can grab like a dream... phantasms ultimately (8)
  20,11. Time to remember those who went and served at any calamity (8 3)
  22. Leftist American hero found in Chavez or Roosevelt (5)
  24. Everyone follows the little rascal in charge (7)
  27. More exciting reefer I smoked, I prefered over ecstasy (7)
  28. Spot for sound? (3)
  29. Directions of guild - i.e. copy handy if you want to behave correctly (6 5)
  30. Riles south ... not required! (8)
  31. Cosmic ray once contained sticks of colour (6)
   1. Predict food, beer, dancing (8)
   2,11ac. Time to reflect and tidy America's mess (9 3)
   3. Pee coming freely in forest in 1 across (9)
   5. Decorations, as men torn to shreds (9)
   6. German Chancellor arranged beer time (5)
   7. Tolerates, but has no time for, rear cleaning-up mechanisms (5)
   8. It does with times as Heinz does with signs (6)
   9. Mary converted many fighters (4)
  14. see 21
  16. Doctor heals less maculated baby ears for instance (9)
  17. 2 signatory far-right blamed for peace and fresh breeze... grr! (9)
  18. Sickness of the hearts: immoral habits condition players (9)
  19. The year all hell broke loose, Europe ending in misfortune (8)
  21,14. Split up their A-team, disliking British hegemony (3 1.1.1.)
  23. President with 19 points for 25 (6)
  25. Quiet energy found in speed (5)
  26. Slam political donation of Australian petrol company (5)
  27. Allied commander of revolution joins church (4)