Across: 1. JL: Brooklyn Academy of Music expresses dislike for trees (7) 6. JH: A priest reformed criminals (7) 11. SB: Perhaps Cue is in, speaking of cooking (7) 12. JL: After opening of Olympics, vaulter staggered, lost range, turned out to lay an egg (7) 13. BA: General form of increase (7) 14. KM: Natural pill for naive man (7) 17. CJ: Mollify a primate swallowing seeds (7) 20. Figure of Wild Horses (3) 21. SB: No new bonus to surprise (7) 22. Figure of The Bereaved (3) 23. BA: Masters made runs (7) 24. CM: Speaks to a formal gathering after opening drapes (7) 25. SA: Partially retreating phenomenal being (7) 29. BA: Month concludes with a course (7) 33. Figure of Patchy (3) 34. VW: Kevin say, sees price of starters (noodles eaten raw) (7) 35. Figure of Ghetto Blasters (3) 36. RB: Duck left false tooth, overwhelming setback in most extreme temperature (7) 37. DK: Angry place? (7) 38. JH: Horsey female embraces disreputable private eye (7) 40. RB: Intimitated if I celebrate inside a tower (7) 42. BDa: The age of insecure appointments? (7) 43. MH: Stops Ted's wicked sibling getting in (7) 44. SA: They electrify blue Mondays (7) Down: 1. DM: Nags Reagan since there's a shortage of covers (7) 2. RB: Person beset by grief is more upset over urn (7) 3. AS: Instrument essential to turbo car in autopilot (7) 4. Where you go when you go to the 7 (3) 5. SB: Unit of electrical conductance spoken by mariners (7) 6. DM: Spotted a distressed tart? (7) 7. Venue reportedly opposite to 4 (3) 8. RB: A turn for the worse implies pale roses coming up inherently (7) 9. BA: Mad Hatter's warnings (7) 10. RB: Leading surround technology enhances received effects of sound in home entertainment systems (7) 15. RB: Venetian merchant held by vibrant onions (7) 16. JL: I hear Mr. DeLuise is wearing stockings in a game (7) 18. JL: Sounds like stalker dumps pocketbooks there? (7) 19. VW: 'Honey ... little gun giving cover' (7) 25. BDa: I failed in stitching the gash, a medical student confessed, redfaced (7) 26. BDa: Wrongs, once civil, now forcefully criminal (7) 27. CJ: Rounding up coolest wildcats (7) 28. JJ: Primes/resets etched minds’ respects (7) 29. MH: Flavour in a mixed fruit starter? (7) 30. BA: Grace in Byzantine era (7) 31. SA: Audits are ordered on many grounds (7) 32. BDu: Wanders around - Way to go! (7) 39. Sweet, not 4 or 1, not 41 (3) 41. Dairy, not 3 or 2, not 39 (3)
Key: AS: Ashley Smith, BA: Bash Ashok, BDa: Brian Dalliston, BDu: Brian Dungate, CJ: Chris FA Johnson, CM: Cherie Maharam, DK: Debbie Manber Kupfer, DM: Dustine Marsden, JJ: John Johnson, JL: Janet Lazar, JH: Joel Hess, KM: Kyle MacNeill, MH: Martyn Hardy, SA: SSv Avtaar, RV: Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt, SB: Sudha Bhaskaran, VW: Victor Rupert Williamson
Clues not used...
BD: $3. 4n(7) VW: Main criminals? (7) 3 VW: Nice kitchen? (7) 4 RB: Can't conceive this release being prevented! (7) 1 BA: John performed online operetta (7) 4 SA: Work performed by John with energy (7) VW: Novel where John tragically died at the end (7) 4 SB: Application to alleviate and satisfy (7) 2 RB: Surprise and confuse in the absence of advantage (7) VW: Burns seeing plenty after half past . 1 (7) CJ: Five hundred locks, topless gowns (7) 4 BA: #nfc #rerun #&lit A clown fish corner (7) 4 VW: Crazy Mona, née Plant? (7) 3 JL: Actor tears up after initially coming out (7) 4 SB: Actor Kevin threw stone inside empty car (7) 5 MH: Country has one way to embrace life (7) 2 BA: I recuperate on vacation by a city, a state, a country (7) 3 RB: Iran led strangely to the land of Leprechauns (7) SA: "Mayflower" gets wrecked, killing young female dramatist (7) 2 VW: Writer sees sheep on the way back with tailless cow? (7) 3 SB: Eddy speaking on office, not of establishment (7) 3 CJ: Blocker holding back a lot of spinners (7) 1 JJ: Endless exciting operating system components (7) 1 MH: Parties involve many wild energetic people (7) 5 JL: After overture, Cariocan plays musical instrument 4 CJ: It may be blown like some gyrocar in airstream (7) 4 SB: Love endlessly treasuring a musical instrument (7) 3 JJ: Confuses which side you are coming from? (7) DM: Arm with a little addition of sugar (7) 2 VW: Like to overact with Mr Sullivan? Sorry! (7) 2 SA: Red-faced setter when taken in hangs out (7) SB: Coolest wild cats (7) 4 RB: Rising, meets in a corner and holds dear (7) 2 JH: Maxene, for example, wanders around (7)