   1. see 28
   5. Revolutionary president with ethics about energy (7)
   9. Failing state perversely praised by industrial relations heads (9)
  10. Beast's ends in Persia (5)
  11. Beasts swallowing 7 income streams (8)
  12. Confront Bill with expense (6)
  14. Smacked rear until lightly done (4)
  16. Rejection of odd ones from march cheap... it's enacted as resignation (10)
  18. Corruption of 27? (10)
  19. Hitter can be bitter (4)
  22. Some remember lingering in the capital (6)
  23. Give up taking ecstasy - ultimately you need peace and tranquility (8)
  26. Fashionable implant (5)
  27. A gang at it perhaps? (9)
  28,1ac. Events of 22, 8, 1919 retaking lesser 13 (7 7)
  29. Book of 22, 8, 1919 perhaps? (7)
   1. Lothario oddly cursed, taking wife finally (7)
   2. She gets up for part of the flight (5)
   3. More eager member of the Wailers (6)
   4. In hindsight, ATSIC a trap silencing fighter for the oppressed (10)
   5. see 25
   6. Extreme greed in discussion with 8 or 22 perhaps (8)
   7. He has property down side street, around on right (9)
   8. Parliament's position: let loose urban development (7)
  13. An abrupt change of mistress turned you finally into criminal (10)
  15. Communist Paul embracing right - a square hole in a round peg? (9)
  17. One who slows 11 movement to 2s (8)
  18. Gaining nil, Bishop has heart to go back to being Brother perhaps (7)
  20. Guarantees multiple borders (7)
  21. Adopt or impose 23? (6)
  24. Make one up in retinue (5)
  25,5dn. Maker relaxes after working pointlessly with philosopher (4 4)