1. Process of rank, file (4)
3. Looks back on disaster - scene is grim, not good (10)
10. After wrecking inn, TV goon disenfranchised (9)
11. One giving nod or shake (5)
12. No issue with season of drink (3)
13. see 16
14. Those that want to cut him out wholesale? (9)
16ac,13ac. He often finds mates in clutches of Taliban... and 'V' is wan at hangings! (5 11)
17. Broken panes found around back from temple (5)
19. Beated and chewed up, material came together successfully (9)
21. Who can take on 13... perhaps Rasputin and Ali initially? Rest hopeless! (11)
24. Apple given protection from elements (3)
26. Broke trove open (5)
27. Long part during exam in English (9)
28. Promoter carries weight, not retreating to 9 for instance (10)
29. Beggars are mostly sent off, without a hint of breakfast food (4)