Across: 1. Provided with pipes in return for first time (5) 4. Cite second rate assistance for relapse into having illness (8) 9. Starts for investigating fanciful scenarios? (3) 11. Wildest, or messiest elements (5) 12. Utmost standard quantity? (9) 13. Opinion of a duet composed about a small bird (8) 14. Weaver shot at 20 34 among Milosevic killings (5) 17,24dn. He helped 23 into Chrysler Building (5 7) 18. Girl & I grew apart, itching to move about more (9) 21. Towards the end, Joseph almost green but not lingering (9) 24. Wealthy man's first lady not seen even a shilling (5) 25. Some 6 reshaped ovals (5) 27. Stamp collecting student is a thorough one (8) 30. Change that rocked America: abortion right replaced by half life (9) 31. Had wed on 6 (5) 32. Fit limb wrong way around (3) 33,8dn. Scene of April '95's horror Doctor Hook calamity (8 4) 34. see 28 down Down: 1. List named characters to take down (9) 2. This can quickly heat up 32 ounces of really cold harvested heads (9) 3,23. His goal, in enormous violence? Creating mayhem, yet hoping tonnage of munitions in 7 starts uprising (7 7) 5. Cross communication from Heinrich ( 6. Crosby restricting crazy mob's destructive activity (7) 7. King rudely abrupt reversing vehicle (5) 8. see 33 across 10. Mineral spring condensation or Potassium preparation? (9) 15. Feeling in American Revolution? (3) 16. Desecrating an instrument with a sound of a triangle (9) 19. Removing member's head with a sharp weapon, which could get one on a list (9) 20. Scene of violence in August '92's dire rugby riot (4 5) 22. Quiet American seen as a symptom (3) 23. see 3 24. see 17 across 26. A number dead in bikini perhaps (5) 28,34ac. We take case... I go crazy at the horror of April '93 (4 5) 29. Movie company changing hands (4)