   1. Concern with first need in friend: to become selfless on vacation (10)
   6. What qualified staff, but mostly divided! (4)
  10,11. Brave leader doesn't have effective spark for trouble in 21 down in 1970 (5 9)
  12. see 18
  13. At heart, Faisal lied for them and moved on (7 5)
  15. Monarch and communist had a blue (5)
  16. Set in the future, as potted fantasy (8)
  18,20,8dn,7dn,12,16dn. Group that took planes to site in 21 down giving "P" for "plane site" (7 5 3 3 10 2 9)
  20. see 18
  22. see 16 down
  24. see 9 down
  26. Dreary horrible things! Take back such family affairs! (9)
  27. State of hairy socialist revolutionary? (5)
  28. Among fine attributes, tidy and organised (4)
  29. Put off by being studded with hidden bombs, or not so easily swayed? (10)
   1. Expressed disapproval entering boxes in last carriages (8)
   2. Unkind, foul name (4)
   3. Prize capture of King and wife not proceeding smoothly (7)
   4. This is also a source of fibre (5)
   5. Dictator's fourth estate in poor condition (9)
   7. see 16dn
   8. see 18ac
   9,24ac. Strengthened worker perhaps having had enough (6 2)
  14. Reports conveying good look? (10)
  16,7,22ac. Group light the way in near East and bot airline (9 10 12)
  17. Prevent average opening for dramatic writer (8)
  19. Apply penalty when word play is hard (6)
  20. Odd bits of fallout as harm shattered ship (7)
  21. Michael's place? (6)
  23. A test, perhaps? (5)
  25. Terrorists gaining new territory (4)