   1,2dn. Time to bother being concerned with measures: time for measure to end 26 in 9! (6 9)
   5. Land redistributed at Cairo (7)
  10. Region in far east (4)
  11. Our bard, out to be reinvented as a singer (10)
  12. Simplicity in recording came to an end (6)
  13. Vitellus from Africa perhaps? (3-5)
  15. Again raved about script (10)
  17. A feature of 26, a personal act of violent power (4)
  19. Hordeolum found in most yeast (4)
  20. Greens idly wandered in spirit of surrender (10)
  22. Some compare it to psychic regression, suffering more from superficial problem (8)
  24. Safety to Robin but horror to Ross (6)
  25. Use it to close aperture and grind warts off (10)
  27. When one is given, sometimes 63360 are taken (4)
  28. Across churning sea, across turning earth (7)
  29. Putting lead product in dye mostly very dangerous (6)
   2. see 1 across
   3. Being seen through mother, and previously father? (11)
   4. Famous, but not like Bundy (5)
   6. Big dinner fiasco giving new life to book (9)
   7. see 9
   8. People instinctively understand losing their leader (5)
   9,7,14. Made invasion hazard be gone for young nation? (6 3 11)
  14. see 9
  16. Diet arranged with flair, as much of West Berlin's food was in early 1949 (9)
  18. Primarily like individuals in Capitol Building? (9)
  21. Country suffering rabies (6)
  23. Leaders of parties acted responsibly in sensible signing of 1,2 here (5)
  24. Got furious at terrible grade (5)
  26. Essentially unrewarding and 29 folly (3)