   1. Defying the orthodox, he swapped parts 3 and 5 in musical performance (9)
   6. He was among leaders of colonial looting, in value especially (5)
   9. Horde delays, every second in a way seeming strange (5)
  10. Support from public cracked a cold case (9)
  11. Dangerous organic matter in selvedge? (7)
  12. As mutiny stirred, city finally fell in wave of destruction (7)
  13. Jerk? That's an unfair generalisation! (4)
  14. Taking on 9 cool mobs: a state is nigh  (10)
  18. State laws get nasty when broken by this cryptic author (4 6)
  19,18dn. For fabric like denim, I live in an old 25 structure (4 7)
  22. Retinal failure is the pits (7)
  25. Alright to go back and talk about a city? (7)
  26. Camouflaged coin (melted and made ingot) (9)
  27. Flash model staple (5)
  28. Originally mighty yarns, these heroic stories! (5)
  29. These plan creatively and they have good memories (9)
   1. Hog swimming in sacred river in 25 (7)
   2. Simple things, like coin found among little scraps of litter (9)
   3. Only one local leader to rally around: cricket captain (6)
   4. 9 cereal caked for want of some strict control (9)
   5. Allowed it to sit under silicon core (5)
   6. City reconquered by 6 across, with some astronomical cut taken (8)
   7. Land of revolution, at heart unafraid: Nirvana! (5)
   8. Genius contrived to capture new following (7)
  15. Astronmically powerful player, notorious element of 19a 18d (5 4)
  16. I sat in loo in such a state? (9)
  17. A communication between banks leading to signing contracts (8)
  18. see 19 across
  20. 9 starred as business people (7)
  21. Central 6 down ransacked in heartless cash grab (6)
  23. Having one's manners understood? (5)
  24. Kicking-out reflex I learnt to control (5)