   1. Help us rib characters such as 21 18? (9)
   6. Roughly: old and very limited (5)
   9. Animal's foot twisted in secret torture (7)
  10. It can get lodged between teeth, entering by mouth or around the eye socket (7)
  11. Mount mics carefully... leader will address millions with centenary of this 23 being celebrated in 11 down (9)
  12,20. An ace granny upset conservative first lady (5 6)
  13. Make life harder for couple pursuing hollow idealism (6)
  15,7dn. Reformed group reject bent government leader - they aim to improve the world by the book (7 9)
  18. see 21 down
  20. see 12
  22. In weather, you hear two such beasts (5)
  24. Where washing gets done, city gets wet perhaps? (9)
  26. Recalled in memoir as original birthplace of Guevara and Messi (7)
  27. Handing out guns is crazy after start of insurrection (7)
  29,19dn. Slimy toilets upset 50 year old performer (5 7)
  30. Is one big ocean fish caught with poles, as some are in Africa? (9)
   1. Champion rolled in a fix (3)
   2. Explosion involving large colourful display (5)
   3. Is this 'bad' for being calm and composed? No, ruins it! (9)
   4. Champion in a fix (6)
   5. Somewhere with good view of troop movements (7)
   6. Leaves wrapped around copper bar (5)
   7. see 15 across
   8. Famous 22 to whom Louis sang 'Hello...' (5)
  11. Some wretch in Africa, once sick man of Asia? (5)
  14. Has post office bearings of 180, 135, 157.5, and 180 degrees? (9)
  16. Excessive indulgences: obese sod revoltingly throwing up  (9)
  17. King gets into beats, but then flags badly (5)
  19. see 29 across
  21,18ac. Source of uploads in jail, sadly, as having told of crimes involved in western dominance ultimately (6 7)
  22. Fluid opponents of bridge have spirit (5)
  23. Quiet, creative group (5)
  25. 23 island among ones hosting brisk business (5)
  28. Good like American petrol? (3)