   1. Twelve in hearing request depraved ends all get dropped for a very long time (8)
   5,10. Kiwi manager (game warden of 1 across park) with priestly garb right, but Reverend's "light in the darkness" not so bright (6 7)
  11. Disturbed a mole at breakfast perhaps (7)
  12,13. 16 across on a 19 falsely presented "clean" with bully having samples swapped (5 9)
  14. I say terrible things about kiwi perhaps (8)
  16. Some douche attempting victory may unfortunately involve this (5)
  18. Name of a bell which is cracked (5)
  20. Fast ones 16 across; she is reformed (8)
  23. Annoying sound of fashionable hearing perhaps (9)
  26,27. One of the 25 in distress... see about something to adjust locks (5 7)
  28. Obscure part of rap: love composition! (7)
  29. Fast and sleazy conquest of Penny (6)
  30. Obscure stereo remix... I see sound! (8)
   1. Sweet accepts extremes of mental confusion (6)
   2. Winter freeze finishes fast, leading to strong yields (7)
   3. Uprising leads to new allowances provided (9)
   4. Former territory incorporated back into Bahrain oilfields (5)
   6. Some musicians etc. to reform (5)
   7. Obscure Yes or ELP piece, something not enjoyed visually (7)
   8. Going through this comes at a cost, but all get to work (8)
   9. Bully taking 2K in trade (8)
  15. 16 across welcomed change of ends (8)
  16. Most infectious creature, one getting into the core of your being (9)
  17. In raised doses, pill excludes eggs being drawn (8)
  19. Some climb icy cleft, which is best to do in good weather (7)
  21. She must overcome many obstacles every time she competes (7)
  22. Having a hard time seeing half the bits taken from story of life in cinema I created (6)
  24. Is he unsettled? No, insane! (5)
  25. Uprising leads to some new (or old) gifts for thugs (5)