   4. Contraction of 32 returning (2'1)
   8. Patching tattered garment (8)
   9. Frenzied work of the ICC (6)
  10. Later model of 27 (4)
  11. Developed it in feed, in a variety of articles (10)
  12. After promotional work with 19, coolest and most expensive (8)
  14. Balmy stuff in loot ransacked (6)
  16. Cheap, plentiful supply of food (5)
  18. Not a nice thing to have in program or 16, but mostly good (3)
  19,23. Being like Rupert or Silvio and turning somewhat grey, Al paid employees (5 6)
  23. see 19
  24. Developed theme with pal and personal assistant (8)
  26. Crazy banners & mad labels to help sell products (5 5)
  29. Carol perhaps returned incomplete diagnosis (4)
  30. French article found in 4 across 19 23 from 16 (6)
  31. Can in use made for difficulty? (8)
  32. Return of 4 across which you'll wish you never contracted (1.1.1.)
   1. "Original" one often depicted getting into 16, others in nerdy derivative (6)
   2. In sound pony, chi all flowing (10)
   3. They record 1's start: cheats around Eden initially (7)
   4. 16's product support for cameras does not include first two (4)
   5. Rhythm fuels dancing with force, hard! (7)
   6. Symbol of swindle in 16 marketing perhaps? (4)
   7. They do 29s very well, improving our visit (8)
  12. Seed of corrupt 20 (3)
  13. 7 out with church contact (5)
  15. Disastrously hot matter's a problem avoided with this (10)
  17. Current direction is what lets people win elections without turning up! (8)
  20. Corrupt 12 down copy (3)
  21. Dirty incenses burning even with small amount of moisture (7)
  22. Francis's alchemy partially resurrected ancient work (7)
  25. Roots which make you feel better? (6)
  27. It's very small stuff, but the seed he spilled is coming up (4)
  28. Some feminine garment (4)