   1. Using math, uzi fired at particular angle (7)
   5. Tongues' errors due to speech impediments where middle letter comes first (5)
  10. Devious kind and a quiet crime (6)
  11. Way to make coin? Cart drug! (8)
  12. Recalling ANZAC, I tar comedian, partly aiming to satisfy the majority (10)
  13. Told tale, falsely led one in (4)
  14. Sat in driver's seat as ride sped off (8)
  17. Ash, say, scattered on walk (6)
  18. Agents of illegal bookmaker, with books missing front cover (6)
  20. see 29
  22. Having the agency and Arab League both on vacation (4)
  23. With ugly warts, witch has face showing passage of time (10)
  26. Massage and oil it to get enlargement (8)
  27. Mostly outside fluid creative space (6)
  28. Country Party line cut short by love (5)
  29,20. Enlarge organ of 8 down? (7 8)
   2. For a while, 12 15 of 28 called this line out in lazier composition (5)
   3. Simon, moved, taking in disciples (7)
   4. Get lesser paper with model taking out first page (5)
   6. They write words in stylistic arrangement, taking time to get right (9)
   7. Regularly spied on pullets belonging to the folks? (6'1)
   8. Global organisation hurled innuendos at it (6 7)
   9. Reportedly 25 has a great one, to forestall awe, rifts, division, uprising (8)
  15. Blue = Crip? Strange country! (8)
  16. Renouncing having meal based around plant (9)
  19. Sort of sage orange order with orange leader (7)
  21. Resume playing with one in bar (7)
  24. Get a sense of a bit, as test (5)
  25. In 1971 the 7 15 replaced the old 15 on bit of bench in 20 (5)