The name preceding each clue is its author, not part of the clue! Scroll down for more information.

   3. Steve Allen - Hi, no head covering, Lance? (3)
   8. see 15
   9. Alec Macaulay - Rice pilaf without right ingredients is a disaster (4 4)
  10. Jamie Thunder - Bottle worthless Italian striker on the overlap (4)
  11. Tony Morris - Networking southern Switzerland, low on energy (10)
  12. Monty Green - Scotch does for bird! (8)
  14. Heidi Schroeder - Riyal I spent without a care in the world (6)
  15,8. Melissa McSeismal - Zen master returns chasing a lost not-unknown vaccine (5-6)
  17. Saurabh Upadhyay - How messed up! They let the dogs out (3)
  18. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Suggestions of disinfectant (intra-venous) or chloroquine overturned for malady (5)
  22. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Duck eggs reduced by 400? Crazy! (6)
  24. Neha Bhandari - Vaccine developer working in part with ecstasy, cocaine and heroin (8)
  26. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Refuse none, extraordinarily surprising (10)
  28. Sarsa Parilla - Take on God’s book (4)
  29. Monty Green - Flying snake’s fang left lost horizons! (8)
  30. Victor Rupert Williamson - Shoebox for diner’s sandwiches? (6)
  31. Guruswamy Nataraj - One dancing for ages (3)
   1. Victor Rupert Williamson - Company car for twins? (6)
   2. Alec Macaulay - Mobile device can be extremely useful in basement (8)
   3. Samraat Saxena - Vaccine Jen took without cycling! (7)
   4. Saurabh Upadhyay - Maybe they kidnapped a girl? (4)
   5. SSv Avtaar - Singular, pirated version of COVAXIN missing chromosome that is produced in China (7)
   6. SSv Avtaar - Prize bull captivates France’s leading group of pharmacists (6)
   7. Heidi Schroeder - LA’s ostracized dreadful millennial actress (8)
  13. Alec Macaulay - This guy in pub going back to detox (5)
  16. Neha Bhandari - Russian shot Putin by mistake in vacant skywalk by western border of Vladivostok (7 1)
  19. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Crazy tudor astern, following current as it flows away (8)
  20. Jamie Thunder - Random mutation when injecting drug from this company? (7)
  21,21. Steve Allen - One prick? One prick? They made loads of pricks! (7 & 7)
  23. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Mounds of heartless know-alls (6)
  25. Sam Zipcat - Ran around spreading scoundrel's rumour (6)
  27. Simon T. Hill - Slip drugs to the audience (4)

All clues composed by Clue-For-The-Day participants at the Facebook Cryptic Crossword Society page, during the CFTD contest of November 25, 2021.

Here are all the other clues that were submitted in the game.

    9. Steve Allen - If I leap about, could be a disaster! (4,4)
    9. Heidi Schroeder - A box-office bomb like Ben-Hur? (4,4)
   10. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Bottle sounds revolting (4)
   10. Hari Mannarsamy - A container of drug prepared by extracting nucleus off of the disease-causing germ (4)
   10. Steve Allen - Back I go into a place to go to find somewhere to leave a specimen (4)
   11. Steve Allen - Visiting school and low on gas (10)
   15,8. Monty Green - Drug pushers spoil Anzac easter! (5-6)
   15,8. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Cunningly encase a Tzar with protection (5-6)
   17. Tony Morris - Doctor? (3)
   17. SSv Avtaar - Fictional doctor’s organisation (3)
   18. Alec Macaulay - Epidemic of disco videos (5)
   22. Tony Morris - See you, say, cook up bird (6)
   24. Tony Morris - Spitefully unload on energy mix in injection unit (8)
   26. Samraat Saxena - Peacekeepers ahead, perceived the unexpected! (10)
   28. Tony Morris - Military against National Trust diatribe (4)
   31. Alec Macaulay - One messed-up era (3)
    1. Samraat Saxena - Encourage minimalist houses? It’s a sign! (6)
    1. Monty Green - Stars singing EMI night-time show (6)
    1. Simon T. Hill - Soldier patrolling explosive mine before onset of cancer (6)
    2. Guruswamy Nataraj - Mobile caller-tune featuring Underwriters Laboratories Certification (8)
    6. Steve Allen - Company has prize and fine? Ridiculous! (6)
    6. Jamie Thunder - Vaccine created by state and corporate partnership with amazing science researchers at the heart (6)
   13. Rhiannon Vivian-Bolt - Swimmer drops model back for therapy (5)
   13. Simon T. Hill - Beachwear recalled every now and then for mending (5)
   16. Tony Morris - Stink up victory arrangement for Covid fighter (7,1)
   20. Sarsa Parilla - Demo RNA engineered by this biotech (7)
   20. Sarsa Parilla - Pharma engineered mRNA dose! Point taken! (7)
   20. SSv Avtaar - Company leads in original development expanding entry into gene base for vaccine (7)
   20. SSv Avtaar - Revolutionary communist entranced by Sogal’s company (7)
   20. Steve Allen - No dream! Made a vaccine! (7)
   25. Neha Bhandari - Country for the most part accepted virus essentially is a hoax (6)
   25. Melissa McSeismal - Story that’s boring on reflection and unfounded ran accidentally (6)
   25. Tony Morris - False report that villain ran back in (6)

For members of the forum, the game can be accessed here. (SPOILER alert!)