   7,24. Urban wife at 55, Lion player cast into Putnam dike? Lo, Cinderella turning! (6 6)
   8,8dn. Player at 50 with mobile edge, zigging and zagging away with every game opening (8 6)
   9. Recommended when bottom badly sore with start of disease (8)
  10. They have value as determined by sale initially (6)
  11,18dn. Player at 70 ruffled Lion manes with extra energy (4 6)
  12. At the beginning, I never intended to indicate a logical loop, yet like this... (9)
  14. Decoration of former player Judy at 100 in Roland-Garros pushing 3rd to 6th behind next three (7)
  16. Still a player at 85, Morgan is a fellow unto himself? (7)
  19. Still a player at 80, Paul a cricket institution with creative work turning money in Japan (9)
  21. see 23 down
  24. see 7
  25. Rash's let out, and spreads broadly (8)
  26. Rue clean blended blue (8)
  27. Dry one out there? (6)
   1,3. Player at 35 smiles mischievously, chasing Lion by the end (6 5)
   2. It lets people move together and Lion roam freely (8)
   3. see 1
   4. Tear prune into pieces for delight (9)
   5. Somewhat northward of 6, city harassed, only partly from the south (6)
   6. Somewhat northward from Sinai lot, an ancient land (8)
   8. see 8 across
  13. Examples of Lions regularly having unique "cat-ness"? (9)
  15. On breaking out of circular Ch'i, Vedas positioned with many other old documents (8)
  17. Each Lion's early passing has a new twist, providing openings in big game (8)
  18. see 11 across
  20. Roam freely with every third cougar getting protection (6)
  22. Traitor cut out north country, largely where 6 was (6)
  23,21ac. Alaskan yew established, bearing success out of Chicago at 45 (5 4)