1. Rudolph inspires group who may have distinctive noses suggestive of the bottle (8)
2. Watch TV, i.e. what's offered! (4)
3. Sweet outcome of careless summer outing? (7)
4. It's arranged with art, for cinema to serve? (5 5)
5. Tandem bicycle a guest showed off (6)
6. Luciano medley brought back by Lucifer? (8)
8. State heart of existential claim in triplicate (5)
13. Smashed single taxi which may be seen on roundabout (4 6)
16. Country's anti-loan arrangement (8)
18. Sport where I flail boot around, repeatedly missing one! (8)
19. see 23
21. Maybe fall for Spice? (6)
23dn,19dn. U.S. 2: blip, or aberration, when the 8 1 did the 11 3s in 24 for the only 17 21 in the 16 18 5! (5 4 3)
25. London district school upset with removal of roman numerals (4)