   5. Stick back in mouth! (3)
   8. Material psychic and client? (10)
   9. Part of strange lore (4)
  10. President and house finally provided leadership, put back together by US tailor? (8)
  11. The ICC turned crazy (6)
  12. I'm content with arrangement, and ultimately welcome what the taxman leaves me (4 6)
  13,20. Reverend mentioned policeman's skin art to boss (3 3)
  15. City's bad coaching not new (7)
  17. Longest cricket match, eclipsing the lot (7)
  20. see 13
  21. Essence of creed lost as culture's art adapted for 3 (10)
  25,27. 28 engineer, known for 21 19 system found in bookshelf (A-Z lurk handy!) (6 4)
  26. Straighten out initially ugly nest, tidying corner (8)
  27. see 25
  28. Store wares all around what was long the world's 17 3 in 15 7 (5 5)
  29. People say they do it to their eyes, along with crossing of tease (3)
   1. Come back with cricket trophy after regular cruelty (6)
   2. Professional who is strangely chattier about start of construction (9)
   3. Perhaps house half of bums, and most of idle drunk and gin-wrecked? (8)
   4. Yes, D.C. messed with book endings and highly popular feature of 28 (7)
   5. see 6
   6,5dn. Hamburg care about 28 2 (5 6)
   7. State of sickness is not only in sufferers' heads (8)
  14. Divide love among family of Irish 2 (9)
  16. He's a revolting cad, and he's a pain! (8)
  18. Most sharp angles selected to unsettle openers before long cricket match (8)
  19. Developed Ural, but with hollow elements (7)
  22. Attack hurt injured Saint (6)
  23. Sat back comfortably and laughed out loud (6)
  24. Flat ground beyond big peak (5)