1. Ovine balls which may be seen around a 6? (8)
6. Move which relocates two men at once, and tackles problem with spiriting away king (6)
9ac,12ac. Vape a clean alternative in historic building in 5 (4 6)
10. Got stronger without a broken tibula (5)
11. Degree by recent issue (4)
12. see 9
13. see 6 down or 23 down or 2 down (8)
14. Join in Easter's first egg duel (4 4)
16. Megadam's information technology, with artificial intelligence backup (6)
18. Sort of ibuprofen, initial public offering released (6)
20. Never eat stew in drain (8)
22. Opportunities in sponge activity (8)
24ac,19dn. 60% of sea birds start to fly off in lake and waterway near 5 (6 7)
25. And thank you for singing, Ms James! (4)
26. You might take this in your car, or ute less typically (5)
27. City where raga played? (4)
28. Weathered hero dedicated, but with wings clipped (6)
29. Grand and moving oddness in bonuses (8)