   7. English sacked prime lands controlled far and wide (6)
   8. Turned up with bishop in anachronism for modern country (8)
  10. End of 7 perhaps as everyone follows foolish leader (4)
  11. Taste of South 20 province? (4 5)
  12. Developed clone (a copy) for part of the 18 7 (4 6)
  15. see 28
  16. Nasty row, bare hostility between 18 7 and the South 20 8 and 30 11 (4 3)
  18. Playfully rib this nationality? (7)
  21. Feature of landscape being same but different (4)
  23. This merchant's pitch was more relaxed, or felt less forced (4 6)
  25. Madly hits oddly besieged town during 16 (9)
  28,15. Excitement in South 20 8 which drew folks from 12 and led roughs straying away from England (4 4)
  29. South 20 city airport rebuilt around east (8)
  30. A negro? Wrong colour! (6)
   1. South 20 beasts mostly run through one (6)
   2. Bird hunter in "Bambi" did so (8)
   3. While a foe contained, someone might turn over a new one (4)
   4. More fed with development and tolerance (7)
   5. Spout nonsense, having no time for work (4)
   6. Passes on drinking lots of salty water, which the well didn't have (8)
   9. Leader of 18, second-rate, might get hiding here? (5)
  13. Long to be surrounded by exotic soap stones (5)
  14. Animal accommodation unsatisfactory as dry (5)
  17. Boss's old Rover broken down (8)
  19. Simpson allowed to return to social media platform (8)
  20. Kicking out European a fancier arrangement for Zulu perhaps (7)
  22. Take stock of gold and diamonds (essential bits!) (5)
  24. Breaking leg, you can get kind words (6)
  26. One of lesser folk? (4)
  27. Sharp implement clipping wings of Aussie poultry (4)