Across: 1. Turn corner with clearance but turn these by just a finger (5) 4. Old star dropping the odd great joke at pro tour (3 6) 9. see 24 down 10. Some ignite identity revolution, changing one's input (7) 11. Oh! My lamp is broken! This is not good for the patient! (8) 12,3dn. Images might change for star recently passed (6 5) 14. Separatist region with a claw in U.S. agency (9) 16. see 5 down 19. Cooked us his special rice dish (5) 20. Followers stand around about this spot (9) 21,13dn. Big star went long, hand size being of a different order (6 10) 23. Raise with cranes, i.e. with organisation (8) 26. Stone with rant translated ... not new either time ... key to puzzle! (7) 27. Slips finally get dismissals, not wides! (7) 28. Rode grand fantastic beast of Welsh pride (3 6) 29. Shelley, after he disappeared, returned shouts (5) Down: 1. Organised soup place for the folks (9) 2. Armourers fashioning hinges must waste energy (9) 3. see 12 across 4. A meeting organised between the two sides of a particular military unit (10) 5,16ac. Star, badly jaundiced one, dropped by hospital (4 5) 6,25. Amazon helper clipped underhair growth initially for star military man (9 4) 7. Circular part of flyer due (5) 8. Nasty ogre took a turn, running amok (5) 13. see 10 across 15. Terrible ice's terribly restricting part of U.K. (9) 17. Badly made apron line not matched (9) 18. She tosses salad as they entertain guests (9) 21. More serious rider in amendment (5) 22. Pointedly investigated reversed sample of Slade song (5) 24,9ac. Crying to Pink about star so often getting the runs (5 7) 25. see 6 Solution: PAGES=RAJKAPOOR| O=U=M=E=U=L=W=O| PONTING=DIETING| U=S=T=I=I=X=N=U| LYMPHOMA=MAGGIE| A=I===E=W=N====| CATALONIA=DENCH| E=H=E=T=S=E=O=O| SUSHI=ADHERENTS| ====C=L=I===P=T| DENZEL=INCREASE| I=O=S=H=G=I=R=S| ROSETTA=TICKETS| E=E=E=I=O=K=I=E| REDDRAGON=YELLS| Name: Puzzle 827 - Six Stars Author: by BenDR