Across: 1,3,5. Movie with 22 29 where he interrupts Todd, learner in sports car (3 3 6) 8. Reveal unusual form of "inclusive", being cis-excluding? (6) 9. Harvest from tree, taking on old time "whatever food we have" (7) 10,7dn. Fun movie where 22 29 appears with Marilyn and, changing kit, lies to home (4 4 2 3) 11. HQ do pet run (5) 13. Incurred cost of one living in home (4) 14. Outbreaks as pest mutated (6) 17. Cunning con harms heads of state (8) 18. My drone's suffering a bunch of symptoms (8) 20. Whacks 150, then out by mid-session (6) 22,29. Leading man of 1 23 18, lean jock acting up around minors (4 6) 23. Some rich in Asian country (5) 25. Mistaken bit of shooting (4) 27. Red told fabrication for youngster (7) 29. see 22 30,31,32. Sadly ponder my glum senior buddies seen in this 22 29 movie (6 3 3) Down: 1. Trained nag to dance (5) 2. Some persevere, 16, as it's a struggle to climb (7) 3. Rudely inspected and looked up online... no go! (5) 4. 13 up, but not having a swim (3) 5. Unresponsive animal given a pick-me-up (9) 6. Pursuer lost and this one took over (7) 7. see 10 across 12. Ostentatious display starts to emerge in Italy's ancient city (7) 15. With some rising regrets, Amy approached the one handing out the money (9) 16. With such grit & gusto, I call you possessed! (9) 19. Not caught, ducked over to minor European country (7) 21. Best pot smoked, I got quiet, ... (7) 24. ... was sick, and failed, losing force (5) 26. Familiar bit of book now novel? (5) 28. A beast (briefly) in the bedroom (3) Solution: =THE=ODD=COUPLE| =A=V=G=I=A=S=I=| UNVEIL=POTLUCK=| =G=R=E===A=R=E=| SOME=DEPOT=PAID| ===S===O=O=E=T=| SPATES=MONARCHS| =A===T=P=I===O=| SYNDROME=CLOUTS| =M=U=I=I===P===| JACK=CHINA=TAKE| =S=E=A===I=I=N=| =TODDLER=LEMMON| =E=O=L=O=E=U=W=| GRUMPY=OLD=MEN=| Name: 836 - Changing Kit Author: by BenDR