Across: 1. see 16 5. Havoc to Berlin, hosting celebration of beer at this time (7) 9. Threatens Greens, and gets savaged (9) 10. Finally, club with space for sweeper (5) 11. Eastern capital starts to see kaiser of Prussia jilting England (6) 12. Put off hosting final for 1 across perhaps (8) 14. Bug horse in silly TV show launching 29 15? (10) 16,1. The Spanish live with New York tabloid backing one-22-baller? (4 7) 19,23. Humanity, where treasure is found... east manage it with education, where 1 across starred (10 6) 22. Memento of Bulchistan, coming back with podiatric problem (4-4) 23. see 19 26. Musical devices in Excel licensed (5) 27. Flavour I can start to appreciate after turning left? (9) 28. Relaxes, with hosting rights for U.S. rubbers (7) 29,15dn. She delivered hits (one fatal) & plied bimbo drugs as slim gal with all clothing removed (7 9) Down: 1. They take measure of those watching online, all-seeing, every second (7) 2. Divide by zero? Direct input disallowed, and this may be watched (5) 3. Mr Silver, such as would protect legs if more than one, but goes straight to your gut instead! (4 4) 4. Endings of life many chose, and watched (4) 5. Helping many to bear jobs (when leader away), caught in classic computer game (10) 6. What a blessing to have food bearers! (6) 7. Bad actors assembled for TV show (9) 8. Army err badly and follow through on another engagement (7) 13. Movie not so PC? Aha! Awkward! (10) 15. see 29 across 17. As poor listener, sign up again (8) 18. Get more use out of this combined with I.T.? It generates electricity! (7) 20. Go straight out in it... dare a disaster! (7) 21. Somewhere to work back in Quebec, if forced (6) 24. Path is true, upsetting dishonest fellow (5) 25. Rent at either end of town? (4) Solution: NEVILLE=OCTOBER| I=I=O=Y=B=A=R=E| ENDANGERS=BROOM| L=E=G=D=T=L=A=A| SKOPJE=DEFENDER| E===O=P=T=S=C=R| NEIGHBOURS=GARY| ==M=N=C=I=R=S==| RUBY=MANCHESTER| E=R=O=H=S=E===A| CLUBFOOT=UNITED| Y=G=F=N=T=L=R=I| CELLI=TROPICANA| L=I=C=A=R=S=I=T| ERASERS=NATALIE| Name: 837 - Well Watched Author: by BenDR