Across: 1. Embracing new beginning, MAGA dude strangely intact (9) 6. Daily's lead opinion piece on drugs (5) 9. Country in second half of Euro insanity? (7) 10. see 12 11. Sour grapes which proved deadly in the middle east (6) 12,10,15. Evict or, I ask (at 'in' grin) keep providing home for first 24 16? (8 7 4) 14. Fix males to win, coming back, or you'll get hassles (10) 15. see 12 18. Get King's Trophy back with 16 players swinging... stick at it! (4) 19. Chinese and Vietnamese perhaps get more serious in troubled sea (10) 22. Computer application starts to grow, requiring advanced new chips (8) 24. Carefully iron to secure hairstyle, keeping out of the weather (6) 26. Long gone but still incorporated into dodgy text (7) 27. Unfortunately, Kane was cut short, his world frozen (7) 28. Lacking cheer? Certainly lacking ecstasy! (5) 29. Classic example of caper they organised (9) Down: 1. Greener, prunier mixture (7) 2. Turned into fanatic, I go, game day having great populist appeal! (9) 3. Where some celebrate birth of 24 16 in 1875, or lament creation? (8) 4. Purpose is securing one gold mainly (4) 5. Holding back disagreeable types? Best Ned is sidelined! (10) 6. First of decidedly rough vessels, which will get refined later? (6) 7. Earlier, funny Richard spoke (5) 8. "Party Boat" had doctor on board, so it's a safe place for man to give his best friend a work out (3 4) 13. Inspiring 16, James Creighton saw 21 growing up here, so vacation ruined (4 6) 16. Fellow playing this is usually tough and cocky, i.e. he rocks! (3 6) 17. Crook earnt cut, but cut short! (8) 18. Juniors slip, get injured (7) 20. Gets mad, having managed weird (7) 21. Old game looking polished around the north (6) 23. Following rapid traveller, having lost lead (5) 25. Toxic coating containing aluminium powder (4) Solution: UNDAMAGED=DOPED| N=E=O=O=I=R=R=O| ROMANIA=SKATING| I=A=T=L=S=F=O=P| PAGERS=VICTORIA| E=O=E=N=D=S===R| RIGMAROLES=RINK| ==I=L=V=N=T=C==| PUCK=EASTERNERS| I===S=S=S=U=H=T| GRAPHICS=INDOOR| L=F=I=O=T=C=C=A| EXTINCT=ALASKAN| T=E=N=I=L=T=E=G| SURLY=ARCHETYPE| Name: 840 - Game Day Author: by BenDR