   1.  Spoil repaved work (7)
   5.  A real tie, we hear, with such twins (7)
   9.  Faux pas, picking out the jelly? (5)
  10.  Ox placed in pound by busy worker of the devil (9)
  11.  Whinged about backward toilet in shared transport (9)
  12.  Such panels can be powerful when their day comes (5)
  13.  Continue American project without California (6)
  15.  Playful satire on foreign lady (8)
  18.  Most aborigines have time for someone with no 19 (8)
  19. see 8 dn.
  21.  Rise and dress (3 2)
  23,2 dn.  Earning the right to call the tune? (6 3 5)
  25.  Looking dismal but oddly whole, crave one (9)
  26.  Pain changed model that wouldn't fit (5)
  27.  Laments growers of roots perhaps? (7)
  28.  Modest device with small drawing page (3 4)
   1. Ugly car aid - area built has width! (4 11)
   2. see 23 ac.
   3.  African rebels and Vietnamese rebel circle held at bay (9)
   4.  Clutching middle of stomach, blame rotten preserve (6)
   5.  Accelerated electrons amongst scattered drips ... (8)
   6.  ... as Zed worked with tools (5)
   7.  Create noticeable improvement in broken limb's heel (9)
   8,19ac. Conspicuous excess of firm's cash absent... or mere trickery? (13 2 6)
  14.  As left, Amsterdam is being relocated in the river (9)
  16.  Facing Asia with a gin cocktail (9)
  17.  Unwinds and suns drunkenly around the pool (8)
  20.  Some mystic little fellow, to whom I refer in the clue (6)
  22.  Article of the edible church (5)
  24.  Drink with loosened heart for torment (5)