2. Sensuous as ox, rat or deer? (5)
3. Naughty, but nice, in city den (6)
4. Delivers letters in order to exercise newcomers in ship (6)
5. Renowned for not being a tearaway (5)
6. Strengthening comfort about one's inner self (13)
7. One year after Ted and I, in the morning spell, showed ability to bat with either hand (13)
9. Plant a box on a boy (9)
10. Unruly kids carry a two-bob hammer head for those in charge (5 4)
13. American exclaims "Sell half the birds!" (5)
14. Tears spilt for Blossom (5)
15. Room in health resort church (5)
22. Try fellow in eastern stronghold (6)
23. Lock away one after another, we hear (6)
25. Beds town comes back in contest, but cannot ultimately win (5)
26. Fish carrier caught river fish (5)