1. In seconds, mother is by her dish! (7)
5. A fair and honest individual when in company with a gentleman (7)
9. Notes communists holding back fabulous bird.... (7)
10. ....While ex-communists are here, on a site (7)
11. For a small Chinese detective to be surrounded by rodents is bad luck! (9)
12. Expel eggheads carrying cloth to court (5)
13. He's not a nut, he's a common gaoler! (5)
15. Pressed dull boy about Tyneside (9)
17. Coax man to stage, but this may make dancing difficult! (6 3)
19. Pipes from boat at head of estuary (5)
22. Store of the French drug (5)
23. Cliff works out epic price (9)
25. Stimulate beginnings of interest with High Church feature (7)
26. "Gold!" says the Frenchman, "Gold!" ... and he listens! (7)
27. Artist has gloves on and puts the car away (7)
28. Made it possible for woman to be half guided (7)