   1. Nips back one foot after doctor produces spray (9)
   8. Is this experienced person better travelled than a mere man about town? (3 2 3 5)
  11. Fanatical artist made an offer (5)
  12. Chances taken by heartless kids after teacher returns (5)
  13. This meeting could test a saint! (5)
  16. Was Hamlet a bit desperate? (6)
  17. Poles are flattened by inclusion of the French shirt in award (6)
  18. Nine run about right next to the bull (5)
  19. One hundred, rotten, in the last box! (6)
  20. About this time, the woman has sunglasses (6)
  21. Taking us to the match shows enthusiasm (5)
  24. Miss Kitt without a home? (5)
  26. Railway carries drink and farm machinery (5)
  27. Nora lives it up in destruction! (13)
  28. Spoken to, and now ordered! (9)
   2. Penny: confused, dour and arrogant! (5)
   3. Common madman turns out for a chat (6)
   4. Rushes about like a monkey? (6)
   5. Roof collapses about newcomer as far as it can go! (5)
   6. Coal-carrying vehicle has extra inertia-free engine running on, initially inside (13)
   7. Family eaten by lions? (5 3 5)
   9. Foresaw order to journalist after dealing with media (9)
  10. Judges idiots' cry for help about right (9)
  13. Terrifying watery force from the black lagoon?.... (5)
  14. ....Pulls across the pond? (5)
  15. Body found thus beneath crag (5)
  22. Employer goes about ancient city to find moneylender (6)
  23. Throws and kicks around ship (6)
  25. In the capital of Hungary I have 500 gathered in a busy place (5)
  26. Wash in Zorba the Greek's dressing room (5)