Across: 2. Organise ice tea far from here (9) 8. Angry snake's poison initially did for Cleo! (3) 10. Cool down devotee (3) 11. Our sunny logic may be out of character (13) 14. Second bankrupt to bear title (5) 15. Bender caused bowel disorder? (5) 16. Time to carefully move nettle (5) 19. Ten are smarter (6) 20. Sounds like rodents lead fairy to me (6) 21. I may need bail if this fails! (5) 22. About 500 empty promises are hateful! (6) 23. Left old city to back horse in Ulster (6) 24. Holds Lawrence with urgency (5) 27. John is student in school (5) 29. Throws out players! (5) 30. Brother Livingstone, listen, Heath is upset (13) 32. You and I have nothing - it's very sad! (3) 33. Doctor had me carried out (3) 34. I load tuna to get praise! (9) Down: 1. Greek character measures pressure (3) 3. One seed or nut (5) 4. Take on unruly gang in 2E (6) 5. Purest mixture bursts forth! (6) 6. Occupied at home, Sue is upset! (2 3) 7. Compartment for horse (3) 9. I tune empty car to give smoother ride (9 4) 10. Amazed by wild Belfast badger! (13) 12. Left without inhibitions (9) 13. Head follows Dean with alacrity (9) 16. Keep quiet after art turns out to be rubbish (5) 17. Raise broken sign (5) 18. In Bethlehem I leave boy (5) 25. Part of automaton always runs down without key (6) 26. One made by hatter may be veiled (6) 28. This ape is human! (5) 29. Load vehicle and leave (5) 30. Scarf for empty graduate (3) 31. Pass on tool (3)