   1,4,7. Nay, poor old G F Handel revised Pomp And Circumstance No 1!! (4 2 4 3 5)
   4. See 1ac
   7. See 1ac
   8. Over and done by arrangement (6)
  10. Al scores badly in game! (8)
  13. Drunkard embraced glutton in The Tap (6)
  14. Boy turns right after junction, at 1:50, and has a breather (7)
  15. Dean Swift? No, smaller! (6)
  18. Return in coach to area of land (7)
  19. Time to be dopier? (6)
  20. Fruit for darling dog cuddled by bachelors (7)
  25. Active girl in play about doctor with nothing (6)
  26. Birds sound like cats? What a bloomer! (8)
  27. Wild herb planted round Virginia (6)
  28. Bob Potter's problems? (8)
  29. Fast time given temporarily (4)
  30. In bed he sounded like an ass! (6)
   1. Shut in now in Cornish village... (6)
   2. ...One-eyed hero in Lancashire town (6)
   3. Go back on ship for frightful woman (6)
   5. Ring writer with plot for "Without Walls" (4-4)
   6. Stretch one leg at dancing (8)
   7. Bad laws may have good points! (4)
   9. Tina and DG may be having an affair! (6)
  11. Grated edam in sauce for when Prince arrives? (7)
  12. Everlasting energy for birdman (7)
  13. Almost identical to Sir Liam? (7)
  16. Frustrates agents outside Turks Head (6)
  17. Best girl is very, very old (8)
  18. Slide down towards marsh on horseback (8)
  21. Chat during sojourn at Terry's house (6)
  22. Thin local is in media business (6)
  23. Open out drapes (6)
  24. Mars prepares for war! (4)