EXPERT==DEPARTS L=A=O=F=E=A=E=T DIRECTION=NIGER E=I=K=R=T=D=A=I RESET=IMITATION L===A=N=S===N=G YELLING=TENNIS= ==E=L=====O=N== =MASSES=GRUDGES R=S===T=A=R===P ELEVATION=IRENE L=H=N=F=G=S=R=N ALONG=FRESHENED I=L=L=E=S=E=S=E DUDGEON==EDITOR Across: 1. Assume former favourite will catch cold (6) 4. Goes away from French regions (7) 9. Film-making in the West, maybe? (9) 10. Bad reign is current in Africa (5) 11. Wandering steer is put back (5) 12. Moi? Titian?! That is the sincerest form of flattery! (9) 13. Crying, spin line to Heather (7) 15. Setback about local reversal in game (6) 17. Services for the people (6) 19. Crazy rugged Bob has chips on both shoulders! (7) 22. High level of joy about eastern victory! (9) 24. Ernie - after the operation?! (5) 26. See 7 27. Fred carried girl to Tyneside and grew livelier (9) 28. Pete's mate has gone off in anger! (7) 29. Madly ride to top journalist (6) Down: 1. Old cathedral is host to the German newcomer (7) 2. Knight comes back after Dad's capital (5) 3. Drinks for bird-watchers? (9) 4. He has stinted with treatment! (7) 5. Father Daniel Short upset rare beast! (5) 6. Getting back Nigerian with force! (9) 7,26ac. To deceive in earnest, ring Al on Good Friday (6 5) 8. Setting light to sacking (6) 14. He returns worn out after botched sale of form of tenure (9) 16. Ho is under-fed! (9) 18. Become harsher about attacks on wetlands (7) 19. Mobs are round East River (6) 20. Did big poet walk in to Ms Bassey's place? (7) 21. In attack, the Spanish are put down again (6) 23. Fish in the corner (5) 25. German boy in East Fleet Street (5)