1. Trouble on street is widespread (6)
4. Smell o' the sea grew (6)
9. Group take short cut? (4)
10. Tom Brown's classy hood? (10)
11. Made to go to Free House (6)
12. Arthur and Leslie chip in for things (8)
13. Close with a line to PA (9)
15. Lian may be blue (4)
16. Feeling bad, so I cannot knit, initially (4)
17. Reality is found in a factual IT Yearbook (9)
21. Large friend gets in a tailspin (8)
22. Greens overwhelm Left, back in US city (6)
24. Sauron the circus boss? (10)
25. Alco-pop is soft drink! (4)
26. Birds force Bob to swallow bad beer (6)
27. Red Rob returns to the edge (6)