   1. Outlaw took prohibitive action, we hear (6)
   4. Look for graze (6)
   9. Rex gets in boat with basket (4)
  10. In favour of my French conservative Head (10)
  11. Better boatman? (6)
  12. Fencing may produce complaints (8)
  13. Without energy, Bob's unlucky and a bit of a mess! (9)
  15. Discover Penny following swimmer (4)
  16. Shove back up quietly (4)
  17. Cheat conservationists about money with relish! (9)
  21. Put forward expert on currency (8)
  22. Prince's table is about right (6)
  24. Trace mason to US city (10)
  25. Smart article is in bag (4)
  26. Put in siren at Turks Head (6)
  27. Guidance for plug fault (6)
   1. Town smells bad! (7)
   2. Dark thing? (5)
   3. Endanger one left holding prime suspect (7)
   5. Newcomer comes out of castle, at one point (6)
   6. Remark that I swim badly in race 99 (9)
   7. Annoyed grandee! (7)
   8. Agreeing with writer (13)
  14. Documents needed to enter fathers' activities? (9)
  16. First section is about Virginia, a goddess (7)
  18. Doctor embraces Naomi Stone (7)
  19. Ran back at speed to tell the story (7)
  20. Speak quietly to raise spirits (6)
  23. James takes one to the beach (5)