   1. Leave casino with dinner money? (4 2 4 5)
   9. In local attic Edward finds criss-cross pattern (7)
  10. Prisoner may be shot on time (7)
  11. Desire is hot in one! (4)
  12. Make hole near Dan's companion (5)
  13. Girl is unwell after start of journey (4)
  16. Left eulogy about winter fuel (4 3)
  17. Can bird get to abbey? (7)
  18. Does this pull rubbish wagon back? (7)
  21. Comments about stains (7)
  23. Gifted travellers force one to follow mother (4)
  24. Nora holds Penny's kitchen garment (5)
  25. Put back "Rime Of The Ancient ... Ruler?" (4)
  28. Before the French record first letter (7)
  29. German and I are east of second city in the country (7)
  30. Tool for Brunel may be old-fashioned (9 6)
   1. Played games with cart in rodeo (7 8)
   2. Bag guerilla in last skirmish (7)
   3. Goddess is reincarnated (4)
   4. Ring writer at home with key opportunity (7)
   5. Hello, Brian's lead character in way-out show! (7)
   6. Keep quiet behind top man's club (4)
   7. Think of one leading 23 to Tyneside (7)
   8. Good job ringlets are combed before Mass! (8 7)
  14. Magic instrument is loud instrument! (5)
  15. Coming back, soldiers are surrounded by the old foe (5)
  19. Gain rug by haggling (7)
  20. Stuffed stormy petrel and eagle initially (7)
  21. Figure with new brush accepts award (7)
  22. Country backs gold fever (7)
  26. Machine gun nest is destroyed! (4)
  27. Gershwin takes bike to the country (4)