   2. Harm Jude Price? (9)
   8. Bone chip may cause spasm (3)
  10. Flyers go back a long way (3)
  11. Nasty Alvin ran from part of Romania (13)
  14. One girl is wrong (5)
  15. Move quickly and quietly to cut corners (5)
  16. Smart man is able to get round Penny (5)
  19. Drag professor to the brink! (6)
  20. Guidance in commercial bad practice (6)
  21. Reign in Africa (5)
  22. Left inside, frightened and hooded... (6)
  23. ...Threatened duck enticed outside (6)
  24. Wander right into cable! (5)
  27. After work cockney feller swallows fashionable drug (5)
  29. Second boy catches one beast (5)
  30. Guide feeling anxious after terrible phrase! (6 7)
  32. Fitting-out Pat (3)
  33. Apollo seen in Rover's Return? (3)
  34. Initially, "Press freedom" may be an empty phrase (9)
   1. Sliced a small portion (3)
   3. Stern characters in tears! (5)
   4. Glad of July breaks (6)
   5. Without a trace of space in France? (6)
   6. Second penny lost by ice cream carriers (5)
   7. Is able to put into tin (3)
   9. Boxer tells ship to hold on (13)
  10. Getting acquainted with 51 in Mafia insurrection (13)
  12. Bow-legged bird, we hear, or animal (9)
  13. Spill the beans about padre getting bigger (9)
  16. Sways, causing sea-sickness? (5)
  17. Rage when 500 flee from danger (5)
  18. Lord may be one year ahead of his time (5)
  25. Despot involved in plot to martyr Anthony! (6)
  26. OK when posted (6)
  28. Picture shows the French spirit returning (5)
  29. Established journalist pursues scholars (5)
  30. Sap flows in spring (3)
  31. Leave one in a state in India (3)