   1. People are powerless to stop cars on motorway (11)
   9. Sing out, Leo! (4)
  10. I can travel around and keep in touch (11)
  11. Nasty eye problem within (4)
  14. Rug sent back to Dad in Florida (5)
  17. Opportunist singer gets in party (7)
  19. Trials involve fashionable ceremonies (7)
  21. Landlords’ correspondence? (7)
  22. Girl gets halfway home in a state! (5)
  23. Continue to perform in London (5)
  24. Dismiss treasurer (7)
  27. Cover bare visitor (7)
  28. War poet joins regiment in the near future (7)
  29. Direct backwards and forwards (5)
  31. Unit of time? (4)
  34. Dance direction given by smooth mover (4 7)
  35. Get hold of annoying prig! (4)
  36. Agrees about gold and tin mugs initially being in collections (11)
   2. Send note back to school (4)
   3. Trees found in the Spanish document (4)
   4. Chap swallowed eastern sea creature (7)
   5. Manic upgrade to digital system (5)
   6. Favourable exhibition on TV, possibly (3 4)
   7. Princess’s pulling power creates a diversion (11)
   8. Union’s anger may be illogical! (11)
  12. Chucks out copy containing key notes (11)
  13. In arcade Marie finds friendship (11)
  15. Satire about West End performer (7)
  16. The idea is to force me back inside! (7)
  18. Timekeeper takes male student inside (5)
  20. Puts arsenic in container for emperors (5)
  25. Seal air in dishes, possibly (7)
  26. Sincere listener gets home (7)
  30. Document slipped back into packet of oil of cloves (5)
  32. Change near composer (4)
  33. Group of 100 return after weekend (4)