Across: 7. A French egg smashed outside makes a sticky mess! (5) 8. Relax, Dean can resolve knotty problem! (9) 9. I get into bed with director (5) 10. Move creature outside for execution! (9) 12. He hates everyone met on parish ramble (11) 16. Tom comes back around lake to get powder (4) 17. I leave either compound (5) 18. Viewers from the east? Absolutely! (4) 19. High-spirited drink leads to broken promises! (11) 22. Lucky to drink with a Parisian after work (9) 24. Beat up going back to college (5) 25. Lion comes to a stop (9) 26. Turks Head is in the middle of real change (5) Down: 1. Friend follows 1000 peacekeepers here in France from the town (9) 2. Racing with one may be bliss! (9) 3. No escape from weird uncle in this! (4) 4. Play freely while some trip into river (11) 5. Denis may be sarcastic... (5) 6. ...but never a writer! (5) 11. Concentration about trendy article may be weakening (11) 13. He comes back into bar returning from therapy (5) 14. Extremely lousy rise! (9) 15. Asked for a search in the grass (9) 20. Jolly peers? (5) 21. Well made idols (5) 23. Upset one having no gas? (4)