   1. Would this cause me harm? (6)
   5. Force tears in to build structures (8)
   9. Blimey, free gold found in passage! (8)
  10. Junkie did surprising turnabout (6)
  11. More and more followed Racine one by one (12)
  13. Formerly working with the church (4)
  14. Dido draws strange things! (8)
  17. I test one piece of meat (8)
  18. Almost crash on curves (4)
  20. William and I gain information in Nice — secret information? (12)
  23. River enters the sea by a harbour (6)
  24. Able to walk to get a malt bun (8)
  25. Agreed when dispatched to journalist (8)
  26. Recaps about tricky situation (6)
   2. Eager to go back after silver (4)
   3. Cruel crimes involving the French (9)
   4. Edit left-wing part of play (6)
   5. Go around forest wetlands taking organ to Kent (6 2 7)
   6. See drain next to the kerb (8)
   7. Artist and scholar produce gas (5)
   8. Goodness, Terry gets caught in former church! (10)
  12. Minions’ accounts reveal very tired people! (10)
  15. Bank clerk takes in Ravi but I leave with gypsy (9)
  16. Strong growth found behind St Albans semi (8)
  19. I snub a god! (6)
  21. Throw out 49 into river (5)
  22. Cut a really good deal! (4)