   5. In Paris I picked out clothes with taste (3)
   8. Order force to start ushering uncle outside (10)
   9. River runs under high rocks initially... (4)
  10. ...Divorcee on East River (3)
  11. Outcome of examination of street lust? (4 6)
  14. Don’t eat quickly! (4)
  15. Stand in bottomless river (3)
  16. Get-together delayed after copper follows Bill to mum’s semi (10)
  20. Sure to have regrets (4)
  21. Nastily upset Lindsey (7)
  22. Bears witness when it gets to trials (7)
  24. Box found in yard (4)
  25. Soaking from rain can penetrate common publication (10)
  29. Old bird food (3)
  30. Marie hasn’t finished upsetting her! (4)
  31. A lot of lumber chucked into loch (10)
  35. No pub in Barnet—that’s the catch! (3)
  36. Bob and Tom run away (4)
  37. Lead Ronald to ground (6 4)
  38. Capitals of Sweden and Denmark may be depressing (3)
   1. Pass grand summer in France... (4)
   2. ...French nobleman gets to head of channel (4)
   3. Evan’s back in church (4)
   4. In Paris you are involved in trial in name only (7)
   5. Resent TT on Norfolk track (10)
   6. Like guys to start promotion (10)
   7. Writer working behind city square (10)
  11. Eat and drink (3)
  12. Mother almost left music as it was written (3)
  13. Right, I am on edge! (3)
  17. Group of those against maritime crime (10)
  18. Gasps after European articles feature men’s knickers! (10)
  19. Manuel moved north before Lawrence died unmourned (10)
  23. Plant stoker bled endlessly! (7)
  26. Ray’s blend of port (3)
  27. Anger when Eire loses territory! (3)
  28. Agassi is full of chat! (3)
  32. Nose ran for ages! (4)
  33. Bird left on boat (4)
  34. Writer was back in hospital (4)