   7. Calculations about hospital carpets (5)
   8. Being obstructive on a picnic? (9)
   9. Safari ruined without a Persian (5)
  10. Interpret Landseer Dee left in gallery (9)
  12. Disappointment with Penny is bad in Holy City (11)
  16. Durer can be endlessly coarse! (4)
  17. Huge soldier needs social worker (5)
  18. Give Justine a rabbit to hold close (4)
  19. Poor illumination is able to satisfy about fifty (11)
  22. Songwriters split Sam’s new composition (9)
  24. Friend of doctor involved in purchase (5)
  25. Tiger cat runs east from smoke (9)
  26. Remove disturbing tales (5)
   1. Very greedy to put charge on account with debts (9)
   2. It’s followed around and punished (9)
   3. Queen has fish (4)
   4. Amazed to be up on the Dome! (4-7)
   5. Tax is about right for goat-fancier? (5)
   6. Unites to repel terrible smell! (5)
  11. Quietly the French soldier comes up and steals (11)
  13. Good man gets help for Conservative (5)
  14. Stop in a tiny part of history (9)
  15. Tom heard about fifty in city church (9)
  20. Back South African detectives returning detection equipment (5)
  21. Friend swallows a take-away? (5)
  23. Adds kids (4)