   1. Cites piratical hard facts (14)
   9. Is she in France with this girl? (7)
  10. Drug one prepares to experience (7)
  11. At home, you and me get e-engaged (2 3)
  12. Patricia’s dependent? (9)
  13. Guys follow princess into dogs’ parts of building (9)
  14. Copes badly in river (5)
  15. Tina’s order to Mark (5)
  17. Ammunition-wagon seen on high ground (9)
  20. Crazy motorist takes back fungus (9)
  22. In Goa sister finds a place to drink (5)
  23. Cover Penny’s escape from evildoer (7)
  24. Does Mr Geller use dummy pipes? (7)
  25. Tiny trendy Tory team are, we hear, very skilled (14)
   1. Place dissected spider in front of attraction (14)
   2. Surprise one with noise outside Turks Head (7)
   3. Martin Bell loses second letter from director (9)
   4. Devalue each confused writer (7)
   5. Ventilators for most of ourselves (7)
   6. Surges back in massed Italian formations (5)
   7. Cartier may have been inconsistent! (7)
   8. Call back steers to rent in county (14)
  14. Usual settlement leads to return for share-holder (4-5)
  16. Animal runs around eastern battlefield (7)
  17. Near Eliot’s cupboards (7)
  18. Went through again to deliver change (7)
  19. I’d burst to interrupt! (7)
  21. Flurry of shots from Surrey opener at Oval (5)